

雅思写作Task 1 小作文




雅思写作Task 2 大作文



从题型上来说,依然是观点类(同意与否/ 双边双边/ 积极还是消极)为主流,占到9次考试中的8次,报告类出现了1次,这也和往年的频率基本保持一致。


社会生活类话题是近期热门考题,4月和 5月的多场考试都侧重考察社会生活类话题,因此社会生活类话题是我们备考的重点。该类话题在雅思写作考试时,会涉及人们的工作、生活、社会现象等多样的考察角度,每个维度下面涵盖的题目也相对较多。而且社会生活类题目,尤其是社会现象这类话题比较抽象;因此同学们在平常生活中,要多加思考并且积累相关的论点、论据以及可用的表达方式,这样方能在正式考试时临危不乱、下笔如有神。



Some people think paying taxes is a big enough contribution to their society, while others think people have more responsibilities as members of society than only paying taxes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ( 4.15 )

本次大作文是社会生活类双边讨论题型,文章可以采取双边讨论经典结构,即主体段一写题干当中的view 1 ,主体段二写题干当中的view 2,后一定要记得对个人观点进行阐述。

Paragraph 1 — Introduction — 话题引入

What responsibilities citizens should fulfill has been heatedly discussed these days + 有的人认为being a responsible taxpayer 已经是很大的贡献了,但是还有的人认为这样做远远不够。

Paragraph 2 — Body 1 — View 1

Argument 1: Paying taxes is mandatory 并且fulfilling this obligation is enough to meet their responsibilities towards the community

Argument 2: The contribution of taxpayers 确实非常的重要,因为政府能够利用这些资金to provide essential services to the public + Supporting Evidence: (Example) Public schools是依赖公民的税才能运行起来的,也就意味着人们能够have access to abundant educational resources without mounting financial pressure, 而在整个社会层面上教育水平的提高也能带来很多益处。

Argument 3: 税收能够帮助national economy保持稳定 + Supporting Evidence: 政府能够pay off debts and adopt economic strategies

Paragraph 3 — Body 2 — View 2

Argument 1: Obeying laws and regulations 其实也是作为一个公民应该做的事 + Supporting Evidence: (Example) 市民们应该遵守交通规则,which can largely reduce the occurrence of traffic congestions and increase safety of pedestrians

Argument 2: Engaging in charitable activities + Supporting Evidence: (Example) volunteering in local soup kitchens (救济贫困的施舍处) and provide aid for the needy

Paragraph 4 — Conclusion — 个人观点陈述

The fulfillment of social responsibility goes far beyond paying taxes


Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful, but they are also likely to suffer from some negative social consequences. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ( 5.20)


Paragraph 1 - Introduction - 话题引入 + 个人观点陈述

It is true that in some countries employee are working longer for the sake of more economic returns + 有的人认为there is a close correlation between long working time and economic boom 且和其他国家相比,这样的情况可能会lead to detrimental effects + personally, I partially agree with the statement.

Paragraph 2 – Body 1 – there is limited correlation

Argument: 国家的经济的成功与否和人们的工作时间长短其实没有直接联系

Supporting Evidence: To verify whether one element contributes to an outcome, it is necessary to find out the causality (因果关系), 即较长的平均工作时间can be seen as an indicator of limited labor productivity。再者,一般来说,国家的生产力和technological prosperity息息相关, 而科技的发展与进步和is generally boosted by economic abundance. (Example) The utilization of automatic production lines in the factors largely reduces the time workers need to finish the manufacturing tasks. 换句话说,平均工作时间越长的国家是counterexample of more economically successful nations.

Paragraph 3 – Body 2 – unfavorable influences

Argument 1: 长的平均工作时间可能会lead to heavy pressure to the healthcare system

Supporting Evidence: (Cause and Effect) extended working schedules 导致的limited time for relaxation会对人们的身心健康受到影响,加重医疗系统的负担。

Argument 2: 长的平均工作时间可能会may hinder the creation of a happy society

Supporting Evidence: (Cause and Effect) long working time会导致和家人和朋友一起度过的quality time 减少, emotion-bonding will reduce, 人与人之间的关系get estranged, 而人们可能会become more self-centered and disappointed.

Paragraph 4 – Conclusion

There is no direct link between working time and national economy + undesirable influences cannot be ignored.



