IELTS Indicator 已在中国登“陆”,亚洲院校认可名单



近日,雅思官方正式宣布 IELTS Indicator 在中国大陆上线啦!

什么是IELTS Indicator

IELTS Indicator 是雅思考试官方在新冠肺炎疫情期间推出的可以在家考的线上考试,该测试涵盖听力、阅读、写作和口语四个单项,在考试内容、形式、结构和时长上与雅思考试一致,并由专业的雅思考官评分, 可以为雅思考试可能取得的成绩提供可靠的参考性指标。

IELTS Indicator 已在中国登“陆”,亚洲院校认可名单

IELTS Indicator 已在中国登“陆”,亚洲院校认可名单

IELTS Indicator 的口语考试也是采用 “人人对话” 的考试模式,考生将通过线上视频通话的方式与真人雅思考官进行一对一的实时互动交流。


IELTS Indicator 考试的费用为149美元,约合人民币1000元左右。

IELTS Indicator 已在中国登“陆”,亚洲院校认可名单

哪些国家和院校接受IELTS Indicator

IELTS Indicator 目前已经被包括英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、欧洲及亚洲等国家或地区的多所学术机构认可。



目前认可IELTS Indicator的新加坡院校

Duke-NUS Medical School

East Asia Institute of Management

Emeritus Institute of Management

Nanyang Institute of Fine Arts

Nanyang Polytechnic

Nanyang Technology University

Nanyang Technological University – School of Humanities

Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School

National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

PSB Academy

SHRM College

Singapore Institute of Management

Singapore Institute of Technology

Singapore Management University

Singapore Polytechnic

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Stanfort Academy


目前认可IELTS Indicator的香港院校

APEC Business School

Chu Hai College of Higher Education

City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Baptist University

Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Lingnan University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Department of Music

The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Master of Science in Management

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The University of Hong Kong Business Analytics

The University of Hong Kong – Graduate School

The University of Hong Kong – Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine


目前认可IELTS Indicator的日本院校

Chuo University

Hitotsubashi University

Hosei University

International Christian University

Keio University

Kyoto University International Undergraduate Program

Kyoto University of Advanced Science

Kyushu University

Meiji University

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

NUCB Undergraduate School

Osaka University

Osaka University – Graduate School of Language and Culture

Recruitment Center for International Organizations (Jinji-Center), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Ritsumeikan University

School of Political Science and Economics Waseda University

The University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo – Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies

Tokyo International University

Tokyo Metropolitan University

University of Tokyo, Department of Economics

Waseda University – Faculty of Social Sciences

Waseda University – Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies

WASEDA UNIVERSITY Faculty of Science and Engineering

Waseda University Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies

Waseda University School of International Liberal Studies

Yokohama National University


目前认可IELTS Indicator的马来西亚院校

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)

Awesome Language Center

Berjaya University College

City University of Malaysia

DRB-HICOM University of Automotive Malaysia

Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS)

EMS Language Centre

First City University College

Geomatika University College

Harmony Language Center

Help University

Infrastructure University of Kuala Lumpur (IUKL)

INTI International College Subang Jaya

INTI International University

Limkokwing University

Limkokwing University Of Creative Technology

MAHSA University

Malaysia University of Science and Technology

Management and Science University (MSU)

Multimedia University

Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed)

New Era University College

Nilai University

SEGi University

Smart Chrome Academy Sdn Bhd

Southern University College

Sunway University

Taylor’s University

The University of Malaya

Tong Ming Crane

Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

UCSI University

UKM Centre for educational extension (PKP)

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin

Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)

Universiti Teknologi MARA

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)

Universiti Utara Malaysia

University of Cyberjaya

University of Science, Malaysia

University Malaysia of Computer Science and Engineering

University of Reading Malaysia

UOW Malaysia KDU

Xiamen University Malaysia

但需注意的是,IELTS Indicator 目前暂时不能用于移民目的。


IELTS Indicator 只是特定时间内在部分因新冠肺炎影响而暂停雅思考试的国家或地区提供。它不能替代在考点举行的具有高质量管控和安全措施的线下雅思考试可能不会被所有认可雅思的院校机构接受,考生在报考前请务必与院校核实IELTS Indicator 的认可情况。雅思考试全面恢复后,考生可能仍需要参加考点举行的雅思考试以满足院校的要求。


目前IELTS Indicator 每周开放两场考试,听、读、写首场考试时间为6月24日口语考试时间为6月21日或22日,大家报名时可以自选口语考试时间。

首场考试已开放报名,报名截止时间为6月17日凌晨6点,但是目前已全部报满。所以想要参加IELTS Indicator 的同学,在之后一定要尽早报名咯!

IELTS Indicator 在7月的笔试时间为7月8日和22日,预计在本周开放报名,大家记得及时关注官方动态。


IELTS Indicator 已在中国登“陆”,亚洲院校认可名单

需要注意的是,虽然IELTS Indicator 是 “在家考” 的线上测试,但是考生必须在指定的时间开始考试,过时将不能再次参加。

同学们需要一次完成听、读、写三项测试,因此大家务必确保整个测试期间(2 小时45分钟)都能够在线参加考试。口语考试将在听力、阅读和写作考试的前或后几天举行。

IELTS Indicator如何获取成绩

考试结束后7天内,同学们就可以获得考试成绩啦!IELTS Indicator 成绩会以电子邮件的方式发送给考生,不会提供纸质版的成绩单,请各位考鸭们及时查收邮件。

IELTS Indicator 的成绩单上会包含每个单项的分数以及总分数,将帮助大家了解自身英语水平。英国文化教育协会将会把您的电子成绩单发送给您指定的机构,请在报考前与您申请的院校机构核实,确保他们接受IELTS Indicator 的成绩

有了IELTS Indicator,大家再也不用担心雅思“凉凉”了。就算疫情变化多端,咱们的留学计划也不用被迫停歇!
